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2023-08-25 11:29  


谢磊,男,讲师,博士。20236月毕业于中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,获得海洋化学博士学位。近年来一直从事大气沉降对近海生态效应等方面的研究工作,已在Science of the Total EnvironmentMarine Pollution BulletinEnvironmental ResearchChemosphere等刊物发表论文多篇。


1. 中国科学院战略先导科技专项(A类)“美丽中国生态文明建设科技工程”子课题,XDA23050303,海洋生态环境灾害综合防控技术与示范,2019.01-2023.12,参与。




1. Lei Xie, Xuelu Gao, Yongliang Liu, Bo Yang, Huanmao Yuan, Xuegang Li, Jinming Song, Jianmin Zhao, Qianguo Xing. Atmospheric deposition as a direct source of particulate organic carbon in region coastal surface seawater: Evidence from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 854: 158540.

2. Lei Xie, Xuelu Gao, Yongliang Liu, Jianmin Zhao, Qianguo Xing. The joint effects of atmospheric dry and wet deposition on organic carbon cycling in a mariculture area in North China. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 876: 162715.

3. Lei Xie, Xuelu Gao, Yongliang Liu, Bo Yang, Bin Wang, Jianmin Zhao, Qianguo Xing. Biogeochemical properties and fate of dissolved organic matter in wet deposition: Insights from a mariculture area in North Yellow Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 844: 157130.

4. Lei Xie, Xuelu Gao, Yongliang Liu, Bo Yang, Xiaoqing Lv, Jianmin Zhao, Qianguo Xing. Atmospheric dry deposition of water-soluble organic matter: An underestimated carbon source to the coastal waters in North China. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 818: 151772.

5. Lei Xie, Xuelu Gao, Yongliang Liu, Bo Yang, Bin Wang, Jianmin Zhao, Qianguo Xing. Atmospheric wet deposition serves as an important nutrient supply for coastal ecosystems and fishery resources: Insights from a mariculture area in North China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 182: 114036.

6. Lei Xie, Xuelu Gao, Yongliang Liu, Bo Yang, Xiaoqing Lv, Jianmin Zhao. Perpetual atmospheric dry deposition exacerbates the unbalance of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in coastal waters: A case study on a mariculture site in North China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 172: 112866.

7. Xiyan Sun, Xuelu Gao, Jianmin Zhao, Qianguo Xing, Yongliang Liu, Lei Xie, Yongjie Wang, Bin Wang, Jiasen Lv. Promoting effect of raft-raised scallop culture on the formation of coastal hypoxia. Environmental Research, 2023, 228: 115810.

8. Bo Yang, Xuelu Gao, Jianmin Zhao, Lei Xie, Yongliang Liu, Xiaoqing Lv, Qianguo Xing. The impacts of intensive scallop farming on dissolved organic matter in the coastal waters adjacent to the Yangma Island, North Yellow Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 807: 150989.

9. Bo Yang, Xuelu Gao, Jianmin Zhao, Yongliang Liu, Lei Xie, Xiaoqing Lv, Qianguo Xing. Potential linkage between sedimentary oxygen consumption and benthic flux of biogenic elements in a coastal scallop farming area, North Yellow Sea. Chemosphere, 2021, 273: 129641.

10. Bo Yang, Xuelu Gao, Jianmin Zhao, Yongliang Liu, Lei Xie, Xiaoqing Lv, Qianguo Xing. Summer deoxygenation in a bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) farming area: The decisive role of water temperature, stratification and beyond. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2021, 173: 113092.

11. Bo Yang, Xuelu Gao, Jin Liu, Lei Xie, Jianmin Zhao, Qianguo Xing, Sandra Donnici, Luigi Tosi, Cheng Tang, 2023. Biogeochemical characteristics of sedimentary organic matter in coastal waters of a mariculture area: The big impact of bay scallop farming. Sustainability, 15: 10595.





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